Dr. D’s Top Ten (parenting books)

Christian Parenting Handbook  – by Turansky and Miller (50 chapters dealing with various parenting issues and ways to use a heart based approach in each issue)

Parenting With Scripture – by Kara Durbin (Common issues parents deal with alphabetically linked to related Scriptures that you can discuss with your child.)

The Slow Fade – Reggie Joiner and others (The best discussion of how the church can approach the problem of college aged kids leaving the faith.)

Peacemaking for Families – by Ken Sande (essential tools and strategies for making peace within families: great for marriages, parent-child relationships, and all other relationships within the body of Christ.)

Everyday Talk – John A. Younts (A great discussion of how you put Deuteronomy 6:7 into practice through the routines of life.)

Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes [in You and Your Kids) –by Turansky and Miller (Best book on how to practice honor in home life so that your kids will ‘honor their father and their mother’)

Good and Angry [Exchanging Frustration for Character in You and Your Kids] – Turansky and Miller (Best book on overcoming the anger that develops within families. Explores a range of issues including helping children accept no as an answer, and helping them learn not to lie.)

Parenting Is Heart Work – Turansky and Miller (A thorough discussion of the Bible’s view of the human heart. Includes the core of their teaching on heart based parenting and discipline in particular.)

Sacred Marriage – by Gary Thomas (best marriage advice for Christians I’ve ever read. Helps us realize God’s plans for us in marriage – that the difficulty’s are God’s way of discipling us.

Sacred Search – by Gary Thomas (best book for young adults and teens as they consider the search for a marriage partner. Applies many of the concepts Gary wrote about in Sacred Marriage, and argues that marriage is to be desired.)


Near misses –

Shepherding a Child’s Heart – by Ted Tripp

Give Them Grace – by Fitzpatrick and Thompson

Finding the Right Track – John A. Younts