Ministry to Families

God created the family as the primary institution to train the next generation. God gives parents direct responsibility to train children in spiritual matters (Deuteronomy 6:7, Malachi 2:15) and God gave the church so that we can support each other in this important task. Strong families help make a strong church.


Diversity of Families

Not everyone at AMBC is in a family with children at home. Some are empty-nesters, and some are looking forward to marriage. Some may be committed to life as a single person, and some may see the church body as their family. We want to celebrate and validate you in whatever kind of family you have, and help you move through the stages of life as your family role changes. We intentionally focus on helping parents raise their children because Jesus gave all disciples a command to "let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them." So even if you don't have children in your home, we all have a stake in raising the next generation.


Our Two-Pronged Approach

For this reason our role in Family Ministry is two-fold: 1) Teach family leaders to disciple one another, and 2) teach children and youth through excellent programs. Much of this teaching occurs on Sundays during our Sunday School hour and in our Worship setting. We also offer Bible study for adults, children and youth on Wednesday nights. We achieve our two purposes through special classes and seminars (Helps) conducted throughout the year, and by providing resources (Resources) families can find online or check out from our archives.



Our strategy for Family Ministry encourages involvement in our Milestones Family Path. For each milestone individuals and families reach (such as marriage, birth of a child, or graduation), AMBC offers training in issues related to the milestone. For those who receive that training, the church celebrates that milestone to show support and encourage all of us to live out that training. For some milestones we offer particular Milestone Training Courses here at church. For other milestones, participants use our online resources to celebrate within the family.




Anderson Mill Baptist Church offers classes for every age child at our Sunday School hour, from 9 AM to 10 AM. Preschoolers (up to kindergarten) report to rooms in the north wing of the church. Parents must drop preschoolers off at their rooms to receive a security badge, which must then be presented in order to retrieve their child at the end of the morning. Kindergarten children through 5th grade have classes in 'Holywood', our children's area on the 2nd floor above the adult classrooms. We ask that parents bring their K-5th children to (and retrieve from) the 'Back Lot' so they can meet and be greeted by the teachers. Preschoolers and Children are being taught systematically using the "Bible Studies for Life" curriculum from LifeWay. Check out the Scope and Sequence of this curriculum. One great advantage of this curriculum is that adult and children's lessons are topically coordinated so the whole family can discuss the lesson and be on the same page.



Children from 3 years old through 5th grade may take part in our Awana's program. Awana's is a fun, fast paced program that runs from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. during the school year. Children earn rewards as they learn to memorize Scripture. We work with both families and children to not only memorize great verses each week, but learn how they apply to daily life as a Christian.